2022/10/28 更新简历
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AnHui ZhongDing Holding |机械/设备/重工
GuanLian Polymer |汽车及零配件
Soule International Co.LTD |贸易/进出口
1、market tracking fe is a daily wk which is essential f sht term long term product planning. in addition, it also contributes to the manufacturing plan makes it meet market dem, also avoiding too much inventy. 2、competit analysis is another part of responsibilities which includes sales perfmance analysis, sales region analysis, new products analysis etc. these analyses help us to underst the detailed sales conditions of our competits. 3、consumer behavi research is a very imptant wk which i do focusing on end users. we track customer feedback of our products regularly make adjustment after we got them. survey fm designing the choice of survey topics consumes me a lot of time.