


|26岁| 身高: 194cm| 硕士|5年以上工作经验
现居:上海   户籍:上海
气质佳 沟通力强 技术精悍
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  • 期望地区:

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九年海外经历,五年以上市场及销售工作经验; 乐于挑战新事物,认真积极人生态度; 善于谈话技巧及人际处理, 良好团队意识, 个人影响力; 敏锐洞察力,冷静分析能力, 独到见解及审美意识 短时间环境适应力, 灵活敏捷的思维模式; 缺点是不够自信及细节化.
  • 2009/2-2010/10
  • 硕士|悉尼科技大学|市场营销
  • 2005/10-2008/10
  • 本科|澳洲科廷大学|工商管理与市场营销 双学位
  • 2009/2-2010/10
  • 硕士|University Technology of Sydney|marketing
  • 2005/9-2008/10
  • 本科|Curtin Technology University, Sydney|marketing& management (double major)
  • 2010/9-2011/8
  • 店员

    娜圣莎(澳洲区)集团 |服装/纺织/皮革

    la senza( australia ) international inc 娜圣莎-( 西尔集团 ) chatswood westfield店 全职销售 公司介绍: 娜圣莎是加拿大顶尖内衣品牌,也是最受全 球年轻女性欢迎的内衣品牌之一. 娜圣莎隶属suzy shier集团, 以优雅简洁的内衣设计理念和舒适面料为卖点备受好评. 1990年至今,全球已有超过300多家专卖.2009年,娜圣莎进驻澳洲.目前在当地有四家专卖店. 工作职责及业绩: 热情友善的顾客服务 , 指示下完成一天的销售业绩. 客户售后服务及关系维持: 退换,促销活动及新品通知保持店铺明亮整洁,货品上架, 检查货品数量,定时补货 橱窗布置, 视觉陈列, 电话订购服务等 根据畅销商品选择性补货,使库存率降低了3个百分点 2011/02 : 情人节 “glamour red”大型促销推广实行 ---silk satin系列 和 ’la senza girl ’ 香水推广策划 ---促销商品包装设计, 如玫瑰花饰等宣传材料制作 ---促销活动策划如赠品促销,露天展示会等
  • 2008/12-2010/7
  • 销售主管

    罗宾奢侈品牌店 |服装/纺织/皮革

    paddington concept ste 百灵顿艺术区概念店 店铺主管 公司介绍: 罗宾是悉尼的高端时装专卖店,主要经营男女高级时装,配饰,香水及鞋等. 通过欧美品牌商选购当季流行趋势的顶尖品牌 如acne, rag&bone, apc, alexer mcqueen, raf simon, henry holl, jil ser, topshop, rick owen, alexer wang等 罗宾两家店铺分别位于市中心与百灵顿艺术区,品牌及商品多变性颇受中高消费人群的好评 工作职责及业绩: 保持良好的客户关系,协助经理维持店铺正常运行 店铺管理工作,完成销售策略及促销活动计划. 成衣面料及皮具等相关知识及客户服务的培训 库存管理及货品数量调整. 建立facebook, twitter等网络社区账户,顾客疑问和要求可以及时作答.高频率沟通与互动来提升wom-良好口碑的树立.
  • 2004/2-2008/12
  • 产品主管, 区域销售主管

    奥之美(澳洲区)集团 |快速消费品(食品/饮料/化妆品)

    公司介绍: 水之澳是美国芝加哥化妆品牌, 隶属奥之美集团旗下, 在全世界有数千家零售店及商场专柜。以海洋矿物质成分及补水为理念,提倡女性自然健康之美.2001年进入悉尼至今共有三家专柜.核心产品是“八杯水”抗氧化系列,深受世界各地女性好评 2004/02--2005/02产品专员兼策划 制作各种宣传材料、产品说明书、销售支持材料等 宣传活动策划:例如活动赞助,广告,杂志及网络推广来增加品牌的认知度分析市场动态和政策变化并实施报告 了解竞争对手的相关信息如价格,促销等定期检查库存,保证产品正常供应,营销方向及趋势报告. 2005/02-2005/12年 产品主管 新产品定位及产品包装的设计方案. 参与制定新产品市场战略 工作业绩: 2004/10—2004/12 ‘green tea’日本绿茶系列的市场推广 责任描述:新产品定位方案,市场调研结果分析,海报创意策划,圣诞节促销活动策划. 2005/03---2005/08 ‘anti-pollution ’抗污染系列产品推广 责任描述:广告创意策划 产品市场战略制定 小组产品测试方案 2006/01-2008/12: 区域销售主管 意见采纳,内部员工协调,促销活动的策划参与重要顾客的维持.完成公司给予的销售计划,新产品市场定位及策略制定,培训方案参与制定
  • 2010/10-2011/8
  • sales

    La Senza international inc. (australia) |批发/零售

    company background: la senza comes from canada, one of the most popular women luxurious lingerie brs in the wld, well known by supermodel campaign as well as sexy look of products.it has been lunched into australian market since 2009. currently, four retail stes have been distributed in both sydney melbourne. job reasonability: professional customer service, cash hling, stock taking, ste clean safe problem solving: exchange refund, stock dering (weekly) promotion & special events & daily target achievement achievements: stock dering base on the popularities: inventies have been decreased 3% 2011/02 promoted valentine’s day “glamour red” theme event developed ‘silk satin’ red range fragrance sales promotion - promotion materials making (rose) & gift packaging design. - outdo event such as free chocolates with any purchases.
  • 2008/12-2010/7
  • Paddington concept store Shop Supervisor

    Robby Inham stores Sydney Australia |批发/零售

    company background: robby is australian based fashion retailer which sells clothes perfumes of luxury brs individual designers. we impt stocks from different european suppliers. there have two stes in sydney, one in qvb another in paddington. robby has been known as its limited stocks of luxury designers has become one of the most popular stes in australia. job responsibility &achievements: assist & manage daily ste operations excellent customer service, achieve sales targets develops sales promotion , manages inventy & stocks delivery assists fmulating sales strategies & management repts sales staff development& visual merchising good team building: improved communication skills. wom effects : set up online discussion broad, developed customer services
  • 2004/2-2008/12
  • area sales supervisor & Brand Supervisor

    H2O plus international Inc. |快速消费品(食品/饮料/化妆品)

    company background: h20 plus is a us based company which distributes thouss of shops wldwide, the ce concept is ˉ100% naturalˇ sea marine ingredients, well- known ce product ¨hydrating gel〃 has been one of the most popular beauty products in asia. 10/2006-12/2008 area sales supervis control promotion &pr events fix cost. professional staff training - increase customer satisfaction. focus on the ce product selling , deal with interpersonal relationships product differentiation - inventies has been reduced 7% identify product benefits -increase competitive advantages 02/2005-12/2005 br supervis localization. identified market strategies f new products product positioning achievements: 10/2004-12/2004 strategies f "japanese green tea〃 products. description: new product development, market strategies media planning 03/2005-08/2005 promotion f "anti-pollution" products description: products repositioning,set up a focus group
  • 2003/10-2004/9
  • 瑞士洛桑商学院澳洲分院|商业管理


  • 2002/9-2003/9
  • SWIC西悉尼大学艺术分院|文学


  • 2004/9-2005/9
  • INSEARCH商学院|企业管理


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