

  • 5~7千
  • 不限 / 经验 2年以上 / 性别:不限 / 年龄18
  • 河北省保定市容城县金湖街502号
  • 招聘10人


·The position is responsible for Contributes to guest satisfaction by 让客人满意·Preparing "hot" and/or "cold" dishes in line with the superior's instructions 按照上级的指示准备 热 和/或 凉 菜·Helping deliver dishes 协助传菜·Respecting the food health and safety standards and procedures 遵守食品卫生与安全标准程序·Participating in the effective management of raw materials 有效的管理原材料·Support the kitchen chef in the overall smooth operation of the kitchen ensuring prompt service at all times.协助厨师长确保厨房运作的正常进行,以提供高效率的服务。·Participates in making food requisitions.根据要求参与制作服务。·Works in all areas of food preparation as and when directed.当接到指示时,进行所有食品的准备工作。·Ensures safe and correct use the equipment. tools and machinery. 保证安全、正确的使用厨房的设备、工具和机器。·Assists the kitchen chef in planning and organizing the section assigned to.协助厨师长,对于所分配的 工作区域,有组织、有计划的工作。·Be sure that the standards of uniform grooming and hygiene are maintained.保证制服干净、整洁。·Takes part in all scheduled training at his/her level.参加所有相应级别的培训。·Responsible for the staff hygiene. sanitation. tidiness of the working and Storage areas.负责工作区域和存储区域的卫生、防疫、整洁。·Assist with the recital and storage of goods.协助接收和储存物品。·Clean and maintain the equipment and premises.清洁并保养设备及工作区域。·Ensures that the workplace remains clean and the safety of consumable goods by always respecting HACCP regulations. 始终遵守HACCP的要求,确保工作场所保持清洁和食品安全。
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