

  • 3~4千
  • 不限 / 经验 2年以上 / 性别:不限 / 年龄18
  • 广东省深圳市福田区益田路5023号
  • 招聘10人


负责为酒店内外,员工和客人之间提供灵活、高效地沟通与交流。Responsible for facilitating efficient communications for both guests and staff both within the hotel and for external communications.根据操作程序,对总机交换台,传呼系统和相关的电脑设备运用自如。Confidently operates switchboard consoles. paging system. and associated computer equipment in accordance with departmental procedures.快捷、礼貌和准确地为本地及国际电话进行转接。Connects local and international calls quickly. courteously and accurately.按要求提供准确的自动或人工电话叫醒服务。Handles wake-up calls as requested with accuracy. whether they are automatic programmed or personal wake-up calls.熟练地应对各种紧急情况。在遭遇严重事件的状况下,保持冷静的头脑、警惕的神经和专业的判断力,并能高效地进行处理。Acts proficiently in all aspects of emergency procedures. Remains calm. alert. and efficient in the event of a major incident or problem at the hotel and maintains professional discretion.维护有条不紊的工作环境,尽可能保持最小的背景噪音和谈话音量,以免噪声通过耳麦传递出去。Contributes and maintains businesslike working environment ensuring minimal background noise and conversation which could be transmitted through sensitive headsets.为客人及员工提供优质的接线服务,及尽可能多的酒店周边地区的相关信息。Provides quality service to guests. staff. and incoming calls and a wide range of information pertaining to the hotel and Activities in and around the island.汇报并记录当班时间所发生的各种问题,并将所有信息通知至下一班次的员工。Reports and logs various problems which occur during the shift and passes all relevant information to relieving operator on commencement of duty.接收并传递信息给客人及酒店员工。Accepts and relays messages for guests and hotel personnel.始终保持礼貌和友好的服务形象。Projects the image of courteous. friendly service at all times.应答并转接所有内部及外部电话。Answers and connects all incoming calls from both in and out of house.协助礼宾部和前台处理未尽的留言、传真等。Coordinates with Concierge and Front Desk with pending messages. faxes. etc.熟悉餐饮方面的知识,以便于高效和礼貌的回应客人的询问。Be fully conversant in all aspects of Food and Beverage outlets in order that all guests’ queries can be handled efficiently and courteously.必要时为客人提供信息概况。Provides general information to guests when necessary.为客人提供准确的留言,叫醒,预定及点单服务。Takes accurate messages. morning call requests. reservations and orders for/from guests.确保所有的预定、点单及等要求的准确,并快捷地传递给相关的部门。Ensures that all reservations. orders. requests. etc. are accurately and quickly relayed to the correct department at all times.向主管和值班经理汇报所有客人的投诉。Reports to supervisor and Duty Manager on any guest complaints.更新布告板的信息。Updates the white board.阅读交接班纪录,并与同事和主管进行沟通。Reads the logbook. and communicates with colleagues and supervisor.转接外部电话至客人或酒店的服务部门/服务设施。Transfers outside calls to either guests. or hotel services/facilities.
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金融/投资/证券 私营、民营企业 200~500人 深圳市




