

  • 3~4千
  • 本科 / 经验 5年以上 / 性别:不限 / 年龄不限
  • 上海市延安西路65号贵都办公楼7楼
  • 招聘2人


Acxiom Corporation is continuing the build out of a Strategic Consulting Practice Group. Critical roles exist in the consulting organization for marketing & information strategy senior consultants. The Strategic Consulting Practice Group is comprised of industry experts and recognized thought leaders who work in a team environment with Acxiom Solution Sales and Client Services Executives in formulating Customer Relationship Marketing and Business Intelligence Solutions to Fortune 500 Clients across multiple industry verticals.

These individuals will be key players supporting the sales and service delivery processes through analyzing client's customer information, analytics and business intelligence systems, business processes etc.. Acxiom's Marketing & Information strategy consultants provide fee-based consulting services for external clients and assist clients in maximizing their CRM effectiveness by leveraging on Acxiom's leading edge analytic technologies and techniques. Our marketing and information strategy consultants have experience and detailed knowledge in the best practice use of data to best meet the client's business objectives.

The ideal candidate for this position would have 5-10 years of experience as a marketing strategy, CRM, analytics or marketing technology consultant for a consulting firm or enterprise software provider with a focus on: analysis of customer data, analytics, market research, implementing CRM packages or the internal business equivalent.

Ideally, the individual will have a blend of corporate and consulting experience, specifically with a large consulting firm or a consulting division within a products and services company. A college degree is required. Experience in business case development is a plus as would be a strong understanding of Information Technology. Must have exceptional communication skills and the ability to interface with senior executives with confidence and clarity.

The position would require substantial travel (~50% - 60%).

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